以行銷科學結合Goolge廣告工具,以Google Ads API建立廣告成效預警系統,協助CRM建置、行銷數據及營業流程分析,讓客戶達成詢價目標
自建系統數據交叉判斷,並透過自行開發的站內廣告系統「 客樂寶 」( 南山等六百多家申請 ),創造轉換績效
工業技術研究院 產業服務中心、中華電信(輔導雲端產品開發,並協助拓展國內外通路,支援多項廣告促銷活動,包括數位時代、商業周刊、關鍵字廣告..等)、台灣雲端運算產業協會、台大育成中心。
奇寶網路榮獲勞動部頒發「人才發展品質管理系統評核等級證書 企業機構版 銅牌」(簡稱TTQS),導入TTQS及奇寶本身人才培養訓練,透過內部教育訓練、外部教育訓練、企業參訪、國內外參展參賽..等培訓人才,期望公司成長的同時,也能協助同仁一起提升自我能力,創造雙贏的局面。
自助架設官方行動網站,協助國內外中小企業快速開展O to O 行動行銷,用最低的成本、最快的速度接觸 廣大的行動客群。並與國內外多家知名銀行、支付平 台合作,推動台灣行動支付市場。
MuShop 多螢購物網站:
目前與多家金流支付合作,國內目前與中國信託商業銀行、國泰世華、玉山銀行⋯合作,除此之外,第三方支付合作平台包括第一銀行跨境支付、玉山銀行兩 岸支付通(大陸支付寶)、中華電信電信支付(電信支付) 及國際支付Paypal。
大多購物網站系統均僅考慮境內營運,而行動商機王 接受來自全球最大線上跨境支付(Paypal)流程指導規劃,已將跨境營銷的流程融入其中,展現與眾不同的多 屏開店系統。
行動商務市場猛然爆發,結合中華電信雲端服務,為系統商、廣告商量身規劃的平台,可由廣告商自行快速為客戶產生行動行銷網站,為廣告及系統商獲取高 額利潤,節省大量時間,讓行動廣告效果倍增,大幅 提升廣告主滿意度。
「行動商機王」手機行銷活動管理平台專門提供給想跨足行動行銷卻躊躇不前的公司,或是有龐大行銷活動需求卻覺得行動網站太貴或是太複雜。本平台將本 著簡單製作、輕鬆管理、有效監控三大核心精神,幫 您開創行動商機。
結合google、yahoo、百度搜尋行銷技術,並深耕行動與搜尋的對應排名關係技術研究,為客戶大量快 速獲取搜尋引擎流量。
網站優化能夠長時間為企業網站持續帶來穩定的流量,並且能夠有效提升品牌形象與接觸精準顧客群,依據企業的預算與關鍵字內容的不同,提供各項 符合需求並有效的解決方案。
台灣佳能、歐姆龍、遠雄、海洋、時報資訊、中國 化學、景碩、萬泰、固緯、新安東京等三百多家。
為網站爭取更好的排名、導入更多流量、打響品牌知名度,關鍵字廣告絕對是不可或缺的廣告工具,奇寶代理Yahoo及Google關鍵字,全面協助客戶擬定字詞及 文案,利用最低的成本發揮最大效益。
提供多變化的互動型行動廣告,增添許多與消費者互動的機會,有效吸引顧客點擊,讓顧客不再覺得廣告擾人,結合行動商機王的行動網站,提供顧客順暢的 使用流程,幫助提升廣告轉換率。
結合多國主搜尋引擎,帶動跨境網站流量,並結合跨 境支付,創建境外電子商務流程。
● 得獎經歷:
102 年台北市服務創新獎勵研發
102 年經濟部服務創新獎勵研發
102 年台北市SBIR
103 年經濟部中小企業處雲端推擴計劃
103 年第一屆雲谷雲豹育成優勝
103 年亞太資通訊科技奧斯卡獎(APICTA)入圍代表台灣參賽
● 商標:
● 專利名稱:
● 指導單位:
工業技術研究院 - 產業服務中心、中華電信、台灣雲端運算產業協會、台大育成
● 台大育成:
成立移動行銷研究中心(102 年十月),於每個月舉辦一次推廣多螢整合行銷課程。
● 中華電信:輔導雲端產品開發(中華雲市集雲端開店、中華雲櫃-廣告商行動平台、中華交旅處-民宿行 動開店、中華政府處-中華雲開店、中華雲 - 個人化產品-手機喜帖、中華新北市萬家企業上雲端 -中華商機雲),協助拓展國內外通路(大陸、東南亞),支援多項廣告促銷(數 位時代、商周、關鍵字廣告、hinet、中華雲市集)
● 歷屆課程主題:
2013.10 台大育成課程-網站實務分析與行動支付課程
2013.11 台大育成課程-網站實務分析與行動支付課程(二)
2013.12 台大育成課程-行動搜尋與商務課程
2014.01 台大育成課程-多螢商務與行銷課程
2018.04 活化社群參與祕技
2019.04 為品牌創造好故事-掌握影音影響力,稱霸5G行銷新世代
2019.05 廣告決策分析- 廣告執行前、中、後的關鍵心法
2019.07 從大腦結構看行銷
2019.08 服務科學革新廣告成效
● 歷屆講師邀請:
簡致姍 / 中華電信數據通信分公司(政府處五科)
林育宏 / 玉山銀行
鄭哲助 / 中華電信數據通信分公司 企業客戶處
徐健峰 / Vpon威朋業務部業務總監
嚴翊軒 / 第一銀行電子金融處..等
黎美秀 / 良興電子 企劃處經理
吳政杰 / 資策會服務所 資深分析師
誠摯地邀請你一同加入我們的行列, 給自己一個探索網路行銷奧秘的機會,與我們一起激盪出不同火花,共同成長!
再來是關鍵字廣告的操作,剛開始要先考過Google Adwords的基礎認證,但實際操作帳戶時,就會發現概念跟實做根本是兩回事!首先發想關鍵字而後幫客戶撰寫文案,再到建立廣告帳戶等等,一連串的步驟繁雜卻有趣,而最具挑戰的莫過於調整帳戶績效的部分。數據會說話,但是需要你去解讀它的意思,學習用GA去分析網站流量來評估廣告成效再調整帳戶的狀況,在這反覆的評估以及再調整的過程裡,很需要經驗累積去判斷該怎麼做,怎樣調整讓廣告績效更優越,是這項學習裡非常好玩的事。
台北大學 企業管理學系
I will recommend it will be that employers can interact more with foreign interns and not to be afraid to talk to them or to give new instructions or task .
My internship experience so far has been very good I have learn a lot of digital marketing many software’s and many programs and how does this business/services work and how important keywords are in an advertisements , I work on looking for business to business websites, forums, adding links and inbound links to increase traffic of their customers in many websites, also posting many articles and looking to recruit freelancers for a Blog Advertising Cooperation.
Also a little of cultural exchange between my peers, we work really hard from morning until afternoon finishing the daily task , King Power Network focus more on online marketing initiatives, SEO is very important. In fact, it may be the most economical and efficient form of marketing available on the web. There are three main reasons why a well-devised SEO campaign is so powerful and potent. Search engine traffic is: free ,qualified and residual they are qualified by Google Ad Words to do Google campaigns and analytics and they continue provide new content and build credibility, search traffic will increase over time. This value proposition is great when compared to PPC and paid advertising campaigns that cost money and end when your budget is over.
Any company who chooses not to innovate in this form of marketing is missing out on a big opportunity. The web is still in its beginning and will continue to grow. Therefore search engines will continue to drive traffic and provide an outlet for possible consumers. And King Power offer hosting websites, designing websites and mobile applications all digital marketing services the way in which your business can grow.
My thoughts and recommendations, I think the company work environment is really healthy and hard working they have high expectations of the employees, and it’s really good, because it make us interns to work hard everyday and to keep the standards high , the only thing that I will recommend it will be that employers can interact more with foreign interns and not to be afraid to talk to them or to give new instructions or task . I think their is a lot of work and search, so maybe reducing a little bit of the workload to the interns will be fine, but overall it’s nice and productive, clean environment in which you can feel welcome and with a positive mind to start working.
For being the only foreigner I feel very grateful and happy to be there I learn a lot of the basic strategies, techniques and tactics of Search engine optimization (SEO) for the purpose of increasing the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine of King Power Network clients. Also pay-per-click (PPC) marketing, known as paid search advertising or search engine marketing, really is and how it works. I have studied Google Ad Words an online advertising service that enables advertisers to compete to display brief advertising copy to web users, based in part on keywords, predefined by the advertisers that might link the copy to the content of web pages shown to users. The usage of Google Analytics and I continue learning about SEO and all about digital marketing which is a way to targeted, measurable, and interactive marketing of products or services using digital technologies to reach consumers. The key objective is to promote brands through various forms of digital media, that’s why we use SEO,PPC, SEM , Google Ads I’m very happy in this internship learning more every day with amazing professional experts in the marketing area which they have 10 years of experience and I am eager to learn more of them in the future.
Master Student in MBA
Program in Services Marketing 元智大學
Carla Bendana
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